Flip Your Shit ’24: A Proposal


By now, most of us have seen the photo of a judge at IPMS Nats holding a Char 1B aloft like it’s fucking Simba in the Circle of Life.

This has generated a lot of heated discussion about the lack of respect for the builder’s work, the absolute unnecessity of looking at the bottom of tanks, and the impropriety of picking up models unless absolutely necessary – much less holding them aloft to introduce them to all the prey animals that worship you as their god king.

It’s also generated a lot of IPMS huffiness. Huff! You have to judge the entire model! Huff! You filthy peasants should just be happy people even volunteer to judge! Huff!

Look. We all know that IPMS won’t do a fucking thing about this. There’ll be hue and cry on the socials for a few days or weeks, and then it’ll be kinda forgotten about.

I want to change that. So here’s my idea.

Flip Your Shit.

For Madison 2024, bring (or send) entries of tanks that are either flipped on their sides or upside down.

Bring so many of the things that they have no choice but to split out several categories for flipped tanks.

Flood the tables with them. Fuck, do it for aircraft, too. Why not? Hell. If someone enters a capsized ship, I’ll give you $20.

This isn’t limited to any specific category. Broad based insurgency, people. Even if it’s poorly done. Even if it’s slapdash. Even if it’s on it’s side for no reason and is just a tank on a plank. 1/35 open top AFVs? Flip it. 1/35 Axis light tanks that are mostly tan and have long guns? Flip it. 1/72 basic kit build? Flip that shit. And flip it good.

This could be one of the funniest things that’s ever happened at a Nats. So what do ya say?

20 Comments Add yours

  1. John says:

    Love the idea…and for my part- dumbass clown doing that

  2. joshua strunk says:

    This is probably one of the funniest and greatest responses I’ve ever seen…to anything.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. Michael Obriant says:

    Either your idea which I Love! Or paint the midd

  4. Larry says:

    The judge didn’t even have the customary white gloves on. I know that they have difficulty finding judges and that the judges are not necessarily the best and brightest among us. It is a thankless job. The one thing that I would like to have happen is that the judges would be required to read the build information that accompanies the model. It would answer questions that a lot of judges won’t even ask.
    A case in point.
    I entered a model car with a very unique paint scheme. I had an information sheet explaining how the technique was accomplished.
    I heard one judge ask his mentor, “How was that accomplished?”
    His mentor told him that it was all a decal.
    I picked up the sheet and stuffed it in his face.

  5. Howard Kilburn says:

    Brilliant idea…bloody funny as well. Would love to see the faces on some of the judges

  6. atsaousis says:

    I personally don’t see anything wrong with what the IPMS judge is doing. I think that a model, as long as it participates in the competition part of an exhibition, then the judge should see it from all sides, even if he has to turn it over (as this particular judge does) The only bad thing this judge does is that he has the model in his hands without wearing gloves. I consider this to be a sign of disrespect towards the work of the modeller

    1. Doogs says:

      Apart from the no gloves, he’s lifting it very high – if it slips there will be damage. Also, it’s the bottom of a tank.

    2. Larry says:

      Not only is he ungloved, but if that was your model and he dropped it, what would your reaction be?
      We place signs on the table telling people not to touch the models.
      A better alternative would be th judge asking permission of the builder to pick up the model or for the builder to pick up the model.

      1. atsaousis says:

        Yeah, you and Matt are right!! I missed that point (the risk of dropping the model) As far for the alternative… you’re right also!!!

  7. Clyde Lourensz says:

    Hey Matt.
    I think you are getting a little carried away on this one.
    At the end of the day, just don’t enter competitions.
    Sometimes the kits are of such excellent standard that judges have to picky to work out the winner.
    A simple alternative is to just show off your kits in a club display.
    Although i must say I enjoy your rants.

  8. AHS2023 says:

    Capsized ship? Challenge accepted 😀

    1. Brian Tomasin says:

      There were a set of new Judging Standards floated by IMPS USA in September of 2022. These new standards were well thought out and articulated by Dana Mathes. I do not know Dana Mathes, but the effort to put new standards in words was well done. I do not remember those new standards being approved which would have been good for the whole competition. But seeing the lethargic nature and that organization, things stay the same. The judging method photographed at the 2023 Nationals does not fall within the proposed judging methodology and continues IPMS USA downward spiral of the quality of judging. IMPS USA nationals continue to not be worth the time attending or participating. Looking at 2023 winners photos in the categories I participated in recent years, are just uninspiring.

      1. Doogs says:

        The people, the geeking out, and just being able to bask in so many great builds for a few days makes it worth it to me. The contest is very much a sidecar. I’d love it if the judging paradigm were different, but I’m not holding my breath. I think any change is going to have to come as more of an overlay on top of the flawed contest.

        Flipped tanks is part of that overlay.


    Hey Matt: Picking up another modeler’s model is just plain f’n rude. Yep! Something needs to change but most of the old fossils with IPMS won’t do it.

  10. Tim Campbell says:

    This is funny – I’m in. Nats 2023 was great, but there are always things we can improve on, and we can do things with humour and self-deprecation.

  11. Tom Weidner says:

    He’ll yes. I’m down. I am know I have something that will work. I love the idea. Maybe I will build a few

    1. Larry says:

      I have an idea. Why not screw the model to a base? Not as a diorama. Just attached to a base. Like the politicians say, nothing to see here.

      1. Doogs says:

        The really snarky part of me wants to get a giant nail and just hammer it through the middle of the tank.

  12. Brian Tomasin says:

    Here’s an idea to help improve judging at IMPS USA Nationals . Bring judges that are experts in each category to the show at the expense of the IMPS USA. National leadership could canvas all the chapters during the previous year for those experts and get them to the show as judges. This to keep from having find last minute mediocre judges. That is just called good planning. Each year, reviews and commentary of National IPMS USA are eerily similar in content.

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